i'm glad i hitched my apple wagon to your star lyrics / 歌手:theboyleastlikelyto 歌曲MV下载

i'm glad i hitched my apple wagon to your star lyrics / 歌手:theboyleastlikelyto 歌曲MV下载i'm glad i hitc

i'm glad i hitched my apple wagon to your star lyrics / 歌手:theboyleastlikelyto 歌曲MV下载
歌手名:the boy least likely to
歌曲名:i'm glad i hitched my apple wagon to your star lyrics
专辑名: The Greatest Hits
I'm not a boy,
I'm a big, fat balloon
Flapping in the wind

Floating over the treetops
On a broken string
I've never been tied down
To anything
Because I'm free
I suppose
I can go
Where I want to go
I drift carelessly
On a summer breeze
I bounce above the trees
I try to be cheerful
But I can feel myself
Deflating all the time
Up in the sky.
Because I'm a balloon
On a broken string
I'm not attached to
Anyone or anything
I'm sad and alone
But you'd never know
It to look at me
I look ever so happy
Up here by myself
But I wish sometimes I looked
The way I felt
Because I'm a balloon
On a broken string
I'm don't belong to
Anyone or anything
I'm a balloon
On a broken string
I'm not attached
To anyone or anything
I'm a balloon
On a broken string
I don't belong to
Anyone or anything
And I know I look shiny and bouncy
But I'm all empty inside
And I worry that if I was to just burst suddenly
That nobody would even notice me
I know I look shiny and bouncy
But I'm all empty inside
And I worry that if I was to just burst suddenly
That nobody would even notice me
I know I look shiny and bouncy
But I'm all empty inside
And I worry that if I was to just burst suddenly
That nobody would even notice me
I know I look shiny and bouncy
But I'm all empty inside
And I worry that if I was to just burst suddenly
That nobody would even notice me


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